Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The African Lion SPEAKS!!

Louisville is a bodybuilding town - there's no question about it - and when it comes to building great physiques, there's really only one gym where the city's best physique-based athletes train. On any given day, you could walk in and see NPC Figure champions like Kezia Mullen or Tiffany Davis. You could see accomplished bodybuilders like Mr. Kentucky Nate Jackson. You could see national champions like 2019 Jr. Mr. USA, IFBB Pro Chauncey "The Shredder" Wilson or the Voice of Kentucky Bodybuilding, IFBB Pro Ty Robinson. The truth is, The Factory is the only gym where everyone wants to be and where haters can't go a week without talking about it. That's what makes us the best.

One notable athlete I'd be remiss if I didn't mention, is The African Lion, IFBB Pro Sam Adiki. Sam, Togo's first IFBB Pro, commands a large fan base who's loyal to him for two key reasons. One, he's built a very impressive, symmetrical, and balanced physique. Secondly, he's one of the nicest, most humble IFBB Pro's you will meet.

Sam has always been Factory to the core, wearing the clothes, repping the gym and being an absolute pleasure to be around. You couldn't ask for a more positive, more upbeat person to work with, but now Sam has added a very key dimension to his social media game. He's talking on video and people are loving it!!

A lot of influencers tend to shy away from speaking. Some prefer to let their training do the talking. Others, use music. Some will speak through photos. But here's the deal, if you truly want to build the strongest links to your fan base, you have to speak. Now that Sam has, people have responded with huge support. Everyone I've spoken to about the posts, remarks how cool they are

As I often say, if you're looking to make a real impact on today's fitness industry, you have to put a great deal of effort into it; however, for someone like Sam, who's low key, humble, and always upbeat, even saying a few words, here or there, can be a total game changer!!

Be sure to give him a Sam follow on his IG @The_African_Lion

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